Dry Flaky Scalp
Dandruff, dead cells, fungal or bacterial infection, hot weather, direct exposure to sun light, and diseases like psoriasis are some of the reasons for Dry Flaky Scalp. Yogurt, honey, olive oil, tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, and green tea are some of the simple home remedies that can help get rid of it. Some people are allergic to certain chemical products that can lead to dry flaky scalp, but these simple tips at home are easy on budget and without any side effects.
- Essential Oils For Scaly Scalp: Essential oils treat the damaged hair, scaly head, dull and thin hair conditions. Of the many essential and carrier oils olive oil, rosemary, sage, and tea tree are some of the very effective ones for the dryness.
- Olive oil: This oil cures and prevents the rough, dry, scaly, and flaky white skin on the head adequately. Massage with it and keep it overnight. Wash it off the next morning to see the difference.
- Sage Oil: Sage oil not only clears the symptoms of psoriasis, and dandruff but also serves as an excellent medium to regain good hair health. Massage your hair and head with it and wash it the next morning.
- Tea Tree: It is a great remedy to address flakiness caused by dandruff, infection, or due to any other reason. The rough, dry, dead skin is treated very well by it. Apply it and gently massage and wash it off the next morning.
- Rosemary: All the silvery, shining scales on the head are very well addressed when massaged with rosemary oil. Take enough precautions never to wash hair or skin with extremely cold or hot water. This would add and increase the existing problem. Always prefer lukewarm water.
- Green Tea Approach For Flakiness: Dandruff, negative and harmful effects of certain chemical products, and fungal or bacterial infection are some of the reasons for the flaky scalp, and green tea provides relief from it. Vitamin C and E nourishes the damaged hair; restores the normal pH, guards against the dangerous ultra violet rays, and strengthens it.
- Take 1-2 cups of water and boil 4 or 5 tbsp of green tea in it. Brew it for 15 to 20 minutes and strain the decoction. Let it cool down. Apply, massage, and rinse with the prepared solution for 15-20 minutes and then wash with a mild and suitable oil based shampoo.
- Banish The Silvery Scales With Yogurt & Egg: Yogurt and egg not only cleans the dead cells accumulation, but also nourishes the parched skin, and stimulates oil production. The natural oils found in egg are an excellent source to smooth the irritated and itchy skin, and oil the dryness.
- Beat an egg and mix it with a cup full of yogurt. Whisk well and apply it. Cover it with a shower cap. Allow the mixture to sit for 20-30 minutes and then wash properly with a mild shampoo.
- Fenugreek Seeds For Flakiness: The seeds of fenugreek help unblock the pores of sebaceous glands and increases sebum production. Stimulates blood circulation, and is an excellent conditioner.
- 2 or 3 tbsp fenugreek seeds (or more depending upon the length)
- Water
Soak the seeds in water overnight. The next morning grind it to a fine paste and use it. Cover it with a shower cap and after half an hour wash with a suitable shampoo and water.
- Apple Cider Vinegar Cure: Removes and clears the flakes, and soothes the irritation.
- Take two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and with the help of a cotton ball either directly apply it and leave it for 10 minutes. If the smell is unbearable then dilute it with equal quantity of water and use that mixture.
- Aloe Vera Gel Treatment: Aloe vera is a very well known moisturizer that can cure any associated condition with hair and skin.
- Take a tbsp of aloe vera gel and using fingers or a cotton swab and smear it all over the head. Keep it for a few minutes before cleaning it with a mild shampoo.
- Honey & Milk Therapy: Honey moisturizes and the milk cleans any dirt accumulated.
- Mix honey, extra virgin olive oil and milk. Use this solution for an hour or two before washing.
Dry flaky scalp should be addressed as soon as possible, before it can actually turn into something serious.